Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fishing chum on a bobber

Here is a good illustration on how to fish chum on a bobber.  I don't know.  So far, I have no luck with bobber, but you might.  

1 out of 2 Today

Landed 1 out of 2 today.  A 5lb silver.  Daiwa Lexa 300 is a smooth reel and can cast a mile.  It's a bit on the heavy side though.  If it's mounted on a heavier rod, it will be ok, but not on a lighter one in my opinion.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chums are in!!!

I have been told today, the chums are in!  I think at this time, the best places to go are on the other side of the Narrows bridge.

I found this on the web.  I think I might check out Chico Creek this week.

First Ever Blog.

Hey guys,

This is my first ever blog.  I hope it gets better as I learn more about how to do it.  :)