Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New way to store your catch card?

Today, I just thought of this idea... with all the rain and stuff. Let me know what you think of it and if it can be further improved. I don't think how to describe it, so here is my linearized thoughts and a picture. The idea is to keep it homemade and cheap, although I don't think I know any commercial products that address this problem. Enjoy! 


Problem: It's awfully difficult to mark fish on the catch card when the catch card gets rained on and wet.

Solution: See picture. It involves one 1gal ziplock bag, one cardboard (in this case, it's a cardboard from a memory card I purchased many moons ago that I found it on my floor), some scotch tape and a shorter ball point pen (zebra brand in this case).

Note: I carefully taped the catch card to the cardboard so none of the text got taped. I also taped the cardboard to the bag (note that the opening of the bag is on the bottom), so I won't accidentally have the catch card fell out. Obviously, it's easier to write with a shorter pen in the plastic bag.

It's a bit harder to carry... not a problem if you have a fishing vest or big pockets. The plastic bag is foldable.  You will be glad that you can still record you fish in the rain. Just make sure when you open the ziplock bag, keep the opening on the bottom while holding it, and dry your writing hand before inserting it into the bag. :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 1 @ Minter Creek!

Oh,  my... I'm glad I survived the chaos.  Fish are in there but it may take another week to fully stock up.  There were so many people, combat drift fishing with no drift.  Anyway, here are my four.  They look bit darker when I took them home for some reason.  The meat is ok.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Not a bad day at the river...

Yesterday, I went to the river with some friends.  We fished from 7am to 11am.  We were able to catch 15 chums and 2 silvers.  Here is a picture of some of the fish in the cooler.  Not a bad day at all.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fishing chum on a bobber

Here is a good illustration on how to fish chum on a bobber.  I don't know.  So far, I have no luck with bobber, but you might.  

1 out of 2 Today

Landed 1 out of 2 today.  A 5lb silver.  Daiwa Lexa 300 is a smooth reel and can cast a mile.  It's a bit on the heavy side though.  If it's mounted on a heavier rod, it will be ok, but not on a lighter one in my opinion.